Always trying to improve and make setup more accessible in the world of
emulation front ends, we are pleased to release GameEx version 10.35.
Featuring an updated Setup Wizard application by Ben Baker, with help and
support from Brian Hoffman and Matt (Tempest), this release brings further
enchancments and seamlessness in making the download, installation and
configuration of retro gaming systems easier than ever before.
Here are the technical release notes for Setup Wizard 2.1.2
'Download Emulators' section will now prompt to import profiles.
You are now always prompted for default paths, database download and
emulator download when you import. You can now turn these off using the
'Always Show' checkbox.
Sorting emulators via Name, Category, System and Emulator.
You can now move multiple emulators up and down at once by shift/ctrl
selecting emulators in 'Emulator Selection.'
Logos now have a drop down list.
Columns showing all the extra info added to profiles such as System,
Category, Emulator, Version, Rating, DownloadUrl, RequiredFiles, Website,
Automatically creates the file structure for you when you import.
POV Joystick support.
Lot's of work remaking the profiles and getting downloads updated
(thanks alot to Brian and Matt for the help with this).